

Illum is committed to telling captivating stories to the young and old through innovative, interactive media.

Think Revival Purpose
Think Revival Vision


Our vision is to tell the world’s greatest stories; to explore the human condition across the ages and the ages to come.


Illum Passion Value

We love what we do

Illum Excellence Value

We expect no less than our very best

Illum Teammwork Value

We succeed, fail, and grow as a team

Illum People Value

We remember and value the reason for why we do what we do

Illum Transparency Value

We communicate with openness and respect about our goals

Illum Vision Value

We believe that the best is yet to come


During the Spring Break of 2016, there were 2 high schoolers who had this fascination with changing the world.

Because... you know... the world is kinda messed up.

While their ambitions were noble, they didn’t have a clue as to where to start. In response to this harsh reality, they used “the Google” to learn and read about influence - the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.

“How could one influence a person, a group, or even the world?” was the question that tugged at the minds of the 2 students.

They were reminded of the old over-used saying:

"If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he'll eat forever."

The two thought long and hard about the quote and realized it was futile to simply treat the symptoms of the world. Instead, they wanted to solve the root problems of society and see the world change for the better. How? Through story...

They realized stories were a fundamental part of the human experience. They have been told since the beginning of humanity. Humans have used them to communicate their feelings, to teach valuable lessons, to inspire “the next generation”...

People say “the pen is mightier than the sword,” and they would be correct. While a sword in the hands of solider may solve one or two problems, a story that shapes the heart of a generation may rid the globe of thousands.

The two decided they wanted to be in the business of making stories... but how to do so was another question entirely.

Of course, there were brilliant books, movies, and plays that made a difference, but the two wanted to do something different; something that would take the world by surprise...

The solution... software.

According to the Wall Street Journal, it’s eating the world

But they knew that software on its own wouldn’t cut it. It is true that software changed the world many times through technological innovation, but whether that change was good is still debate-able to this day.

So they thought longer and harder about the type of software to produce.

What about video games...

Games have existed since the first humans got bored and wanted something fun to do. And in combination with software, video games now not only entertain billions of people but allow players to explore new worlds and live out their wildest dreams.

Video games, however, have a history... senseless violence, gratuitous sexual content, inappropriate themes...

But what if they were used for story - not some half-baked story that simply seeks to drive the player from one level to another; rather a beautiful story that positively influences a player’s decisions both in the game world and the real world.

What if that story was fun? What if that story was powerful? What if that story could be experienced by every person?

As a result of the realization that video games could be one of the most powerful tools for positive influence, they formed a diverse team of talented individuals: skilled programmers, creative artists, brilliant composers, inspired story-tellers. These individuals joined not because of simply money or experience; they joined because they believed in the vision: to tell the amazing stories of this generation for the generations to come.

At this point, you may be thinking all this sounds a bit overtly optimistic, and in the words of Phineas Flynn from the TV show Phineas and Ferb, “yes... yes it is...”

After the 2 high schoolers graduated, due to the upcoming college semester and the small probability of success, one of the original high schoolers left the team, but the other remained true to the vision of the team.

The remaining founder then proceeded to make an app of his favorite childhood game, Mafia, and named it Mafia Rising, in order to get more search results.
It released on July 1st, 2018...

While the remaining founder was at college, he met a bright student who had developed a proof of concept for a game. The game was a puzzle game with unique gameplay mechanics inspired by games such as The Witness, The Legend of Zelda, and One Shot. After some discussion with the student, the founder and student combined forces to continue the student’s work and produce the puzzle adventure game announced as Lexicon.

As we produce more content, we will update this story because we know it’s going to be a good one.

Meet the Team

Joseph Yuen

Joseph Yuen


Joseph is the lead executive and founder of Illum. He oversees internal and external operations. He is currently studying computer science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Kyle Savell

Kyle Savell

Lead Software Developer
Lead Graphics Artist

Kyle Savell serves as Illum’s lead software developer and lead graphics artist, defining the technical systems and artistic styles of our content.

Benson Yuen

Benson Yuen

Software Developer

Benson Yuen is a software developer for Illum who programs dynamic scene environments. He currently attends Hawaii Pacific University studying computer science.

David Li

David Li

Lead Sound Designer

David Li is the lead sound designer of Illum, composing and producing brilliant musical pieces for Illum content. He is a multi instrumentalist currently studying computer science at Duke University.

Isaac Yan

Isaac Yan

Sound Designer

Isaac Yan serves as an Illum sound engineer. He writes and produces cinematic, epic electronic beats for Illum. He also makes some of the music that you hear in the monthly updates.

Daniella Ivanova

Daniella Ivanova

Graphics Artist

Dani Ivanova is a graphics artist for Illum. She designs extraordinary scene assets for Illum projects. She’s a classical artist at heart, but utilizes digital tools to make her ideas a reality.

Ava Pomilla

Ava Pomilla

Graphics Artist

Ava Pomilla creates beautiful set pieces for Illum projects. She specializes in vector graphics and design.

Ray Ma

Ray Ma

Marketing Director

Ray Ma is the marketing director of Illum. He manages Illum’s media presence and regularly strategizes how to make Illum into a global phenomena.

Tetsu Ri

Tetsu Ri

Concept Designer

Tetsu Ri is Illum’s concept designer coming up with new ideas and testing them with players. He loves playing Terraria a little bit too much.

Nathan Chen

Nathan Chen


Nathan Chen is Illum’s secretary. He handles Illum legal affairs and organizes both internal and external communication. Second to Joseph, he’s been with Illum the longest.

Yuxuan Liu

Yuxuan Liu

Software Developer

Studying at UNC Chapel Hill in computer science, Yuxuan is a talented software developer who works on Lexicon. He currently works full-time at Capital One and helps Illum as a passion project.

Alex Tian

Alex Tian

Software Developer

Alex Tian is a brilliant coder who carried Joe through college… He currently works full-time at Optum and helps with Illum as a passion project. Alex is also really great at video games. No one can beat him.

Stephanie Yuen

Stephanie Yuen

Cinematic Director

Other than being Joseph's sister, Stephanie, also known as Steph, is a film student at Liberty University. She's super into Marvel and specifically Black Widow.

Delaney Dillon

Delaney Dillon

Cinematic Artist

Delaney is a talented artist who specializes in digital painting and works on Lexicon's cinematics. She currently studies National Security at Liberty University.

Joseph Yuen

Joseph Yuen


Joseph is the lead executive and founder of Illum. He oversees internal and external operations. He is currently studying computer science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Joseph Yuen


Isaac Yan

Sound Designer

Isaac Yan serves as an Illum sound engineer. He writes and produces cinematic, epic electronic beats for Illum. He also makes some of the music that you hear in the monthly updates.

Kyle Savell

Kyle Savell

Lead Software Developer
Lead Graphics Artist

Kyle Savell serves as Illum’s lead software developer and lead graphics artist, defining the technical systems and artistic styles of our content.

Kyle Savell

Lead Software Developer
Lead Graphics Artist

Benson Yuen

Benson Yuen

Software Developer

Benson Yuen is a software developer for Illum who programs dynamic scene environments. He currently attends Hawaii Pacific University studying computer science.

Benson Yuen

Software Developer

David Li

David Li

Lead Sound Designer

David Li is the lead sound designer of Illum, composing and producing brilliant musical pieces for Illum content. He is a multi instrumentalist currently studying computer science at Duke University.

David Li

Lead Sound Designer

Isaac Yan

Isaac Yan

Sound Designer

Isaac Yan serves as an Illum sound engineer. He writes and produces cinematic, epic electronic beats for Illum. He also makes some of the music that you hear in the monthly updates.

Daniella Ivanova

Daniella Ivanova

Graphics Artist

Dani Ivanova is a graphics artist for Illum. She designs extraordinary scene assets for Illum projects. She’s a classical artist at heart, but utilizes digital tools to make her ideas a reality. Her personal art portfolio can be found on Instagram.

Daniella Ivanova

Graphics Artist

Ava Pomilla

Ava Pomilla

Graphics Artist

Ava Pomilla creates beautiful set pieces for Illum projects. She specializes in vector graphics and design.

Ava Pomilla

Graphics Artist

Ray Ma

Ray Kawamura

Marketing Director

Ray Kawamura is the marketing director of Illum. He manages Illum’s media presence and regularly strategizes how to make Illum into a global phenomena.

Ray Ma

Marketing Director

Tetsu Ri

Kyle Ri

Communications Director

Tetsu Ri is Illum’s communications director, connecting Illum to our audience, influencers, and future team members. He loves playing Terraria a little bit too much.

Kyle Ri

Concept Designer

Nathan Chen

Nathan Chen


Nathan Chen is Illum’s secretary. He handles Illum legal affairs and organizes both internal and external communication. Second to Joseph, he’s been with Illum the longest.

Nathan Chen


Yuxuan Liu
Yuxuan Liu

Yuxuan Liu

Software Developer

Studying at UNC Chapel Hill in computer science, Yuxuan is a talented software developer who works on Lexicon. He currently works full-time at Capital One and helps Illum as a passion project.

Yuxuan Liu

Software Developer

Alex Tian
Alex Tian

Alex Tian

Software Developer

Alex Tian is a brilliant coder who carried Joe through college… He currently works full-time at Optum and helps with Illum as a passion project. Alex is also really great at video games. No one can beat him.

Alex Tian

Software Developer

Stephanie Yuen
Stephanie Yuen

Stephanie Yuen

Cinematic Director

Other than being Joe's sister, Stephanie, also known as Steph, is a film student at Liberty University. She's super into Marvel and specifically Black Widow.

Stephanie Yuen

Cinematic Director

Delaney Dillon
Delaney Dillon

Delaney Dillon

Cinematic Artist

Delaney is a talented artist who specializes in digital painting and works on Lexicon's cinematics. She currently studies National Security at Liberty University.

Delaney Dillon

Cinematic Artist

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